Google is trying to solve a problem Android users have been facing for a while on Google Messages. It now supports iMessage reactions, which were previously shown as text (yea, no emojis!) when an iOS user reacted to messages sent by an Android user.

It is revealed that iMessage reactions will now be visible on Google Messages as part of its latest beta version 20220121_02_RC00. Now, they won’t appear exactly like iMessage reactions but will be converted into emojis. This is of course, much better than emojis in written format, which ended up cluttering the whole chat and defeating the whole purpose of emoticons.

The new update comes after Google tested this functionality in November last year. But, this was for a limited number of users. And now, more people can access this nifty feature. One thing to note is that the feature isn’t available for the general audience, although it might reach Google Messages’ stable version soon. Until then, you can download the beta from the Google Play Store and start using it.