Google Drive has gained a new capability, which will come in super handy if you use the platform via a desktop. Google has introduced support for keyboard shortcuts, which will now allow you to easily copy and paste content and manage your files with more convenience. See details.

You will now be able to use the “Ctrl + C,” “Ctrl + V,” and “Ctrl + X” keyboard shortcuts while accessing Google Drive on your PC. On Mac, you can use “⌘ + C” to copy, “⌘ + V” to paste, and “⌘ + X” to cut.

Google Drive will also support the “Ctrl + C” and the “Ctrl + Shift + V” shortcuts, which will help you create shortcuts within the Drive to avoid the duplication of files. This will help in freeing up space on Google Drive, which can be limited if you don’t own a Google One subscription plan.

Additionally, there will be another keyboard shortcut — “Ctrl+Enter,” which will let you open new files and folders in a new tab. This functionality will be of help when you need to open multiple folders and files at the same time or use different tabs to manage files in different folder locations.