When we surf the web and find something interesting in an article or story, there are times when we want to share only that particular paragraph with someone instead of the full text. If you are someone who would like to use such a feature, Google Chrome 90 brings the ability to share a dedicated link for highlighted text on a webpage.

starting with Chrome 90, you can link people to a highlighted part of a page ✨🔗 I am going to use this all the timehttps://t.co/PRHpqKKgMv. pic.twitter.com/Q7r2AVfMKQ

As you can see, in the Chrome 90 update, you will be able to copy links of highlighted text to share with others. When the person, with whom you share the link, opens it on his/her device, it will lead to the particular part of the source text which you highlighted. The selected text will be highlighted in yellow.

Now, the “Copy link to highlight” feature, as per Adrienne, will gradually roll out to the users running the latest Chrome 90 update. However, if you’re running the Chrome 90 update and do not see the feature, you can enable it manually via the Chrome://flags copy-link-to-text Chrome flag.