Voice assistants, as we know, help us in our day-to-day digital activities like telling us the weather, performing searches, or dialing up a contact. However, Google Assistant’s new “Do Nothing” mode does exactly the opposite of these things. It deliberately does nothing but chill.

Do Nothing and Chill with Your Google Assistant

So, after it activates, Google Assistant becomes somewhat of a dumb sarcasm-queen. Whether you ask her for a recipe or the current temperature, she will give a quirky response and advice you to do nothing and chill at home. This is actually the theme of the 5 Star brand as Cadbury advertises the product as something that will make you forget about everything else in the world (Google “Ramesh & Suresh 5 Star”).

However, playing with the “Do Nothing” mode on Google Assistant by using common commands is not at all boring. Google’s personal digital assistant has been one of the most reliable one in today’s world. So, I am sure that using this new mode will bring a smile to your face during these hard times.