It was the game that revolutionized the First-Person Shooter – and now GoldenEye is receiving a brand-spanking-new fan remake.

This passion project, titled GoldenEye 25, is an attempt to fully remake the game’s single-player campaign by its twenty-fifth anniversary (August 2022). And, if a recently-released gameplay demo is any indication, things appear to be coming along very well.

Check it out in all its 007 glory below:

The video was so impressive that even one of the minds behind the original GoldenEye game chimed in on the action. The game’s writer, David Doak, enthused “Kyrgyzstantastic!” in a Twitter post.

Kyrgyzstantastic! ?

— David Doak (@drdoak) September 28, 2019

This isn’t the first time that Doak has thrown out his support for the game. Retweeting another GoldenEye 25 post concerning the Silo level on September, 16, he joked that “General Ourumov [the villain] would be proud.”

The original game is frequently cited as one of the best and most important games of all time. It proved that a fun first-person shooter can be made for consoles – a genre previously very PC-focused. Its use of a sniper rifle scope and context-sensitive hit locations on enemies revolutionized the genre as well as the fast-paced fun of its multiplayer mode.

Both Perfect Dark and TimeSplitters are considered spiritual successors to the game. This is because many of the same team members from Rare who worked on GoldenEye also worked on said projects. The influence of their past work is inherent in these games including control schemes, level design, and the aiming system.

Yet, despite the success of Rare’s N64 classic, no James Bond game has quite captured the same success or notoriety. Several games including Agent Under Fire, Everything or Nothing and even a GoldenEye reimagining with Daniel Craig have been released. They are generally considered not to be on par.