Title: Godfall

Developer: Counterplay Games

Publisher: Gearbox Software

Genre: Action-Adventure, Looter

Available On: PlayStation 5, PC

Official Site: Godfall

Release Date: November 12th, 2020

Where to Buy it: PlayStation Store, Epic Games Store, local retailers

The next generation of consoles is upon us. The launch titles were sparse, so it’s been difficult to see what fans can really expect from them; however, if our Godfall PS5 review is a true showing of the graphical excellence we can expect from this generation, gamers are in for some wowing displays of art and design. While this hack-and-slash looter is full of problems, it’s worth it just to see the way it looks.

The premise is a simple one that focuses on revenge against the gods:

Embark on adventure in a fantasy action RPG that utilizes high-impact third-person melee combat to engage players as they hunt for loot, don legendary armor sets and defeat vicious enemies. Face challenging missions that reward you with head-turning loot as you vanquish the armies that stand against you.

Godfall is The Future

Godfall. is. absolutely. beautiful. Wow. If this is what gamers can expect from the next generations of games, we are in a fabulous space. It is clear that all of the team’s time was spent taking advantage of these graphical advantages because they are unmatched at the moment. Blending from cinematics to gameplay is seamless; the colors are crisp and clean. The attention to detail, armor designs, and environments breathe magical life into Godfall. Personally, the most stunning aspects were the grand scale environments and the stunning light effects.

Who doesn’t love a little hack-and-slash? While somewhat clunky, the gameplay is fun once you get the hang of it. In the beginning, it was a challenge determining what enemies to target first and how to best take them out. At the end of the day, it’s a classic system that works well in Godfall. 

At Least It Looks Good?

While the graphics are absolutely gorgeous and the gameplay does what it needs to do, that’s about all that Godfall PS5 has going for it. Its storyline is one that has been used time and time again: revenge against the gods. It’s something seen so often that there really needs to be something special to set the story apart, and, unfortunately, this story falls pretty flat. Even if it is a looter, it really would have heightened the experience to have an interesting story or well-developed lore.

On top of a weak storyline, everything eventually starts to feel repetitive. This is fine in short spurts, but sitting down for longer sessions starts to feel really lack-luster. It feels like a lot of running towards an area, fighting, then running to the next. Granted, you can explore the maps for other goodies, and I ended up doing that a lot… Mostly because I wasn’t sure where I was supposed to be going.

At the end of the day, it feels like there is something major missing from Godfall. I kept waiting for that spark, but, in the end, it felt lifeless.

Looters who live for the thrill of the find and don’t mind some repetition will enjoy everything that Godfall PS5 review has to offer. However, those hoping for some deeper, more complex components will have to be satisfied with some of the most beautiful graphics seen to date.

Verdict: Godfall is great for gamers looking to collect some cool loot and hack through enemies. However, if you’re looking for an experience with any sort of depth, this isn’t the game for you. A weak storyline and repetitive elements only make Godfall feel somewhat unfinished. It’s unfortunate that this looter feels so empty because it is absolutely gorgeous to look at. These are truly the graphics of the future; they’re crisp, and the light effects are out of this world. But the awe of the graphics almost feels wasted on this otherwise shallow experience. 

Godfall Review

  • Gorgeous, clean graphics

  • Hack-and-slash combat

  • Weak storyline

  • Repetitive

  • Feels like something is majorly missing

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