One of the more challenging minibosses encounters Kratos and Atreus will face during their journey in God of War Ragnarok is the Flame Phantom, an inherently invincible being. Typically, enemies will perish once players use Kratos’s powerful abilities and weaponry to smash and tear them asunder; however, the Flame Phantom is different. This fiery entity in God of War Ragnarok cannot be harmed through physical attacks, as its HP will remain constant no matter how much damage is dealt to it. Instead, its weakness lies in Runic Springs that act as anchors to its essence, meaning that if players destroy these springs, the phantom’s soul will also be obliterated.

Flame Phantom Miniboss Battle in God of War Ragnarok

To defeat the Flame Phantom miniboss in God of War Ragnarok, players must find and destroy the enemy’s Runic Springs that only appear after the miniboss has sustained a certain amount of damage. As mentioned above, it cannot be harmed, but attacking the being will cause its pillars of weakness to appear.

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After the Flame Phantom emerges, its vitals will appear at the top of the HUD in God of War Ragnarok. These stats are displayed as three locked HP bars on top and a single long gray bar on the bottom. The lower bar will gradually fill whenever Kratos and Atreus attack the miniboss. Once the bar reaches its max, the phantom will temporarily flee, causing its Runic Springs to emerge from the ground. Accordingly, players must pay attention to how far they have progressed toward making these pillars spawn. 

However, the Flame Phantom will not willingly reveal its weakness to players in God of War Ragnarok. It will perform a variety of AoE and wide-sweeping attacks that can be tricky to dodge without the proper timing. To know when to avoid an attack, watch for any visual cues, such as a glowing circle beneath it or rings appearing around its body. When such indicators appear, dodge away from the incoming attack. After receiving enough damage, the Flame Phantom will disappear, and two Runic Springs will appear on the far right side of the arena. Use melee attacks to destroy the first and ranged attacks to demolish the second. The phantom will emerge a second time for another round before fleeing again to respite. During this time, use Kratos’s Spear to destroy a boulder on the left side of the arena to discover a hidden Runic Spring. Use ranged attacks to destroy it and finish off the now-vulnerable Flame Phantom in God of War Ragnarok.

God of War: Ragnarok is available exclusively on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.