It’s in the interest of all the video gamers around the world, no matter what console or platform they play on, that God of War proves enough successful to keep justifying Sony’s efforts in the single-player experiences it is promoting since the launch of PS4.

This is why we’re monitoring very carefully what’s happening with the upcoming Santa Monica Studio, to be sure that the game’s pre-orders are as good as Sony expects them to be and see more similar productions release in the next few years.

Luckily enough, product manager Jon Edwards commented about the matter when interviewed by MCV UK, detailing that pre-orders are satisfying in the vision of the Japanese publisher and platform holder.

“Our pre-orders are in line with our expectations at this point and we anticipate a significant increase once the reviews go live,” he told the website, and this – together with the level of quality Sony thinks it has achieved, means that it’ll “continue to support” the game “across the year” because it is a “key title” in console’s 2018 lineup.

“God of War is one of our big titles for 2018 and the marketing investment is indicative of that. We want to make sure that we convey the stature and magnitude of God of War; this is an epic action-adventure game which will be brought to life via big AV placements across TV and cinema.”

God of War is launching on April 20.