Cory Barlog has acknowledged he learned a lot from Hideo Kojima games when it comes to producing cinematic stuff to put into his titles, such as the latest PlayStation 4 exclusive action-adventure God of War.

The game comes with an interesting one-shot camera, which is producing a similar effect to the Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain cinematics.

“I learned so much from Kojima‘s games. I remember losing so much sleep binging on MGS2,” he told a fan on Twitter. Curiously, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is one of the games I love the most both in the series and overall, and the fact he’s mentioning it only makes my admiration for the man bigger and bigger.

“I was so tired at one point that when the codex conversations started breaking the 4th wall, I literally thought they were talking directly to me. Freaked me out. Master fuc*&* class.”

That’s great, and I’ll admit this is one of the things I really enjoyed from the game, one of the most controversial yet loved in the entire Metal Gear saga. If you want to play it, there’s a PS3 and Xbox 360 HD Collection for you to enjoy too, without any need to bring back your even older PS2 or original Xbox to do it.

I learned so much from Kojima’s games. I remember losing so much sleep binging on MGS2. I was so tired at one point that when the codex conversations started breaking the 4th wall, I literally thought they were talking directly to me. Freaked me out. Master fucking class.

— Cory Barlog #GodofWar (@corybarlog) May 7, 2018