An update for Gloria Victis from Black Eye Games has landed, and we have its complete list of adjustments in the v. Beta version. From the official release, the new version will include visuals, level design, user interface, and combat changes. Additionally, there will be a brand new system of skins for horses. Now, let’s have a look at the official patch notes for the Gloria Victis v. Beta Update.

Gloria Victis v. Beta Update Patch Notes

Penalty for dying in a fight

  • Dev team has introduced a small death penalty.
  • Deaths in combat will now attract a reduction in a character’s durability b 3%.
  • Additionally, the durability value increases with character development, which means that any death penalty will reduce your armor tree.

Changes to movement in combat

  • In order to make the combat more dynamic the movement speed in combat has been adjusted.
  • Backward movement faster than before.
  • The team has adjusted the forward and side movement to fit.
  • Thus, lone players in 1vX scenario will have a better chance of maneuvering between opponents and increase the chances for survival and even winning.

Changes to horses in roaming combat

  • From now on, players on a horse can not put the player into combat mode after hitting you.
  • At the same time, if you summon a horse in the open world, it will show up with no stamina, instead of half stamina. In turn, the horses are still viable in battle. However, it will be more difficult for bigger groups to use the horses to catch solo players.

New events in the middle of the map

Introduction of two new events that will occur exclusively in the loot zone. The new events will give a better incentive to roam in the middle of the map for small parties, as the gain from these events will be better for small parties.

  • Deaths in combat will now attract a reduction in a character’s durability b 3%.

  • Additionally, the durability value increases with character development, which means that any death penalty will reduce your armor tree.

  • Backward movement faster than before.

  • The team has adjusted the forward and side movement to fit.

  • Great Hunt

  • This event is a copy of the hunting event by the capitals.

  • Now, this event will also show up randomly in the middle of the map, providing more valuable resources for players roaming in this area.

  • Challenge for the Bold

  • Challenge for the Bold is an event similar to the “Supplies for the Bold” event.

  • It will show a location on the map that, after 60 minutes will be visited by a special event NPC “A Messenger with Supplies”, who will drop top-tier items and recipes as a reward!

  • The event will only show outside of the nightlock, so be sure to get to him fast as, similar to the Kargald Champions, smaller groups will benefit more from the reward!

Better shadows

  • Enable the SSAO checkbox in Graphical Settings to enjoy the system of Global Ambient Occlusion. This system will enhance the game visuals by improving the rendering of shadows.

  • With this addition, the atmosphere of the game and the overall visuals should look better than ever!

  • This event is a copy of the hunting event by the capitals.

  • Now, this event will also show up randomly in the middle of the map, providing more valuable resources for players roaming in this area.

  • Challenge for the Bold is an event similar to the “Supplies for the Bold” event.

  • It will show a location on the map that, after 60 minutes will be visited by a special event NPC “A Messenger with Supplies”, who will drop top-tier items and recipes as a reward!

  • The event will only show outside of the nightlock, so be sure to get to him fast as, similar to the Kargald Champions, smaller groups will benefit more from the reward!

Partake in new Events, see our improved Shadows, showcase your glorious Horse Skins, and much more! Weekly Update 346 for Gloria Victis MMORPG is live. Read about all of the changes: #game #pcgaming #pvp

— Gloria Victis (@GloriaVictisMMO) January 5, 2023

New Login Screen

  • Following the UI rework, our artists have taken some time to rework the scenery in the login menu!
  • The dev team have connected the new one to the previous one thematically. However, there’s a great improvement on its graphics and fidelity.

New Achievement Window — Summary Tab

  • The team will also release the last part of the Achievement Window rework — the summary tab. This new additional tab;
  • shows information on the closest achievements to be achieved,
  • shows the overall achievement progress, and
  • displays the most unique achievements players have completed.

Horse Skins

  • With this update, we are also introducing skins for horses to the game.
  • These new skins will come in a form of a consumable that can be applied to a horse.
  • The application will remain on that particular mount until the player decides to release the mount or apply another skin.
  • After buying the skin it will be possible to apply it to a horse from the Stable Manager UI.

Christmas ending on the island of Stoneholm

  • The festive period on Stoneholm is coming to an end.

  • Players have cleaned up the gifts and decorations,

  • Only Santa’s Helper will stay a week longer in the capitals to exchange the last sweets for rewards.

  • shows information on the closest achievements to be achieved,

  • shows the overall achievement progress, and

  • displays the most unique achievements players have completed.

  • These new skins will come in a form of a consumable that can be applied to a horse.

  • The application will remain on that particular mount until the player decides to release the mount or apply another skin.

Quality of Life

  • The option to show the legacy version of the powerbar is now displayed in options. Players can enable it in the Interface Settings tab.
  • Changed the number of controlled castles in the loot zone needed to get the highest buff from 4 to 3. This change should make it more realistic for nations to achieve that buff and have a bigger incentive to fight for the castles.
  • Removed the siege events at Ystad, Dundrum, and Eaglenest forts to prevent players from being looted in these territories.
  • Changed the maximum falling height without damage from 10 to 15 units. Jumping down from respawns should no longer deal fall damage to players.
  • Adjusted the cost of fast travel to the current gold value.
  • Added a small gold reward for fighting arena battles.
  • Further changes and fixes in the questlines in order to better balance the challenge for new players.
  • Adjusted the price of the Field Siege Engine Workshop to 36 silver and added it to vendors in castles and forts.
  • Added Market NPCs to castles and forts in the loot zone
  • Added a new model for the depot chest. From now on it will be more visible, thus easier to find for new and old players alike.
  • Added a blue star icon near the achievement tabs and icon where a player has achieved progress since the previous visit of the Achievements Window.
  • Added a dedicated location for the depot in Ismir capital.
  • Updated 5v5 tournament memorials on the arena.
  • Increased the food quality of cooked meals to make them viable alternatives for new players.


  • Small level design fixes around the map.
  • Fixed an issue with weapons not showing for the skeletons in Catacombs.
  • Fixed an issue with the clothes of Mundus NPC not showing properly.
  • Fixed the recipe scroll for Soldier’s Heavy Helm teaching a recipe for Servant’s Heavy Helm
  • Fixed rewards for Crafting Questline giving two pickaxes instead of an axe and a pickaxe.
  • Fixed an error with a Crafting Questline, where the dialogue with the Master Craftsman couldn’t be progressed in certain edge cases.
  • Adjusted the damage reductions of Faris NPCs to match the ones of Knights and Huskarls.
  • Adjusted the range of attack with fists to 3.5.
  • Fixed an issue where the notifications on the left side of the screen would block the option to click other UI elements.

New players can add Gloria Victis to their PC listing via Steam. At the same time, today’s Gloria Victis v. Beta Update official patch notes are available on its Steam page.