New Blood Interactive has released a new Gloomwood  v.0.1.220 update patch today, January 21, 2023,  and we have listed the changes and fixes below. Gloomwood is a stealth horror first-person shooter that transports you to a forgotten, twisted Victorian metropolis in the midst of a terrifying transformation after your mysterious abduction.

In today’s update, the franchise sets out to fix the issue with incorrect level data being loaded when transitioning levels on a new save slot. Let’s go through the changes for Gloomwood  v.0.1.220 patch notes.

Gloomwood Update v0.1.220 Patch Notes


  • Added ‘Quicksave’ and ‘Quickload’ to in-game keybinding menu.
  • Audible distance of “Bottle Break” effect increased to 45 meters (from 40).
  • Audible distance of “Window Break” effect increased to 45 meters (from 40).
  • Added the limp bone snap sound when critically wounded from the demo.
  • Improved interact object sorting to make pickups like coins and bullets easier to grab within drawers/cabinets.
  • General tweaks to ammo and resource balance.
  • Added pathing for all AI types in each area to support enemies being spawned in by the console.

Changes on the Enemy

  • Improved rifle aim tracking.

  • Increased rifle auto-hit range to 4 (from 3.5).

  • Increased rifle projectile speed to 55 (from 50).

  • Reworked scent/lure system to improve consistency and reduce unintended detections.

  • Fishdogs will be attracted to the smell of food, corpses and giblets.

  • Fishdogs will bark at any food or giblets it cannot reach.

  • Sleeping fishdogs can be awoken by smells that are very close to their nose.

  • Scent cannot cross through mediums like water surfaces.

  • Fishdogs now return to sleep after being disturbed.

  • Increased search exit time to 1.5 (from 0.0).

  • Added new corpse impact sounds.

  • Wounded goatman variant now starts with 12% less health.

  • Increased trap time modifier to 30% (from 25%) of normal time.

  • Reduced ‘Swipe’ damage to 36-38 (from 45-47).

  • Reduced ‘Buck’ damage to 44-45 (from 54-56).

  • Reduced enrage damage bonus to 125% (from 150%).

  • Reduced corpse health amounts to 100 (from 250).

  • Added new hatchet particle and sound effects for animation and projectile.

  • You can now carry Corpse giblets physically.

  • Goat-man now backtracks to leash points when unable to path or see the player during combat.

Area: Tavern

  • Tweaked spare basement key note to better allude to the attic switch location.
  • Added new key hook asset behind bar.
  • Moved guest room key to a more visible location.
  • Moved gun case padlock to a more visible location.
  • Explosive barrel positioning tweaked to make it easier to grab.
  • Added additional button presser to drawer in attic.
  • Added gap beneath elevator bed to make it harder for the key to bypass collision during crushing kills.
  • Blocked off area beneath staircase and above kitchen fireplace to prevent exploitation.

Bug Fixes in Gloomwood v.0.1.220 Update

  • Fixed issue with incorrect level data being loaded when transitioning levels on a new save slot.

  • Fixed issue where loading quick save would assign save slot incorrectly.

  • Fixed issue where pickups in drawers would not save their position correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where the cane-sword backstab assassination would alert enemies from far away.

  • Fixed an inventory error when combining loose ammunition into a spot with limited space.

  • Fixed various light map issues in fishery and around tavern exterior in cliff-side.

  • Fixed missing geometry in fishery boathouse.

  • Fixed various exposed dev textures locations in the tavern.

  • Fixed issue where goatman key would not correctly load its physics state.

  • Fixed issue where woodsmen could bypass doors during their axe charge attack.

  • Fixed issue where Woodsman in Cliff-side barn would not return to chopping meat after distraction.

  • Fixed issue where burning goatman would not refresh or re-ignite after the fire timer burned out.

  • Fixed issue where goatman hatchet throws would not deal appropriate damage to AI.

  • Fixed issue where goatman corpse would replay death animation upon load.

  • Fixed issue where AI corpses would damage in double dip when hitting their creators with a projectile.

  • Fixed issue where projectiles would aim in an incorrect direction when shooting a point blank target.

  • Fixed issue where left/dragged-out pickups would have incorrect quantity counts when returning to areas.

  • Fixed issue that would lead into an AI hang while closing a door.

  • Fixed issue where elevators could kill the player while using the inventory at low frame rates.

  • Fixed issue where telescope view would not apply invert Y setting.

Gloomwood is available on PC. Check out the game’s official website for more information regarding today’s patch.