If you player Apex Legends on Steam, and are partaking in the Apex Legends x Monster Energy collaboration: you may have an issue with those codes. Respawn Entertainment, the development team behind Apex Legends, announced on September 4 that there is an issue with the Monster Energy x Apex Legends collaboration promotion for all players playing the game on Steam. It should not affect other platforms, but if you are playing on Steam: Be wary of entering your codes.

We won’t straight up say don’t enter in those codes yet, because there is a chance that they will work as intended. That said, if you are having trouble, know it is because the redemption process is currently not working completely correctly on Steam. There is no immediate hot fix for the bug, but it will be fixed by the next in-game patch, which will occur on September 14.

Long story short: If you are playing Apex Legends on Steam, and your Monster Energy can codes are not working correctly, instead of trying over and over again, just wait until September 14 to enter the codes in.

The Apex Legends x Monster Energy collaboration promotion is running until December 31.