You’re not going to find everything immediately when you first open up Ghost Recon Breakpoint. You’re going to need to explore the island, Auroa, to find some of the better quality gear and blueprints. These are going to make your Ghost agent capable of standing up against the Wolves defending the island. A useful item you’re going to want to locate is the bipod. Here’s where you need to go to find it.

The Location of the Bipod in Ghost Recon Breakpoint

You’re going to find the bipod at a specific location on the map. If you don’t want to waste any time grabbing it, make sure to obtain a helicopter or a jeep to make it through the forest. These vehicles are an excellent way to cut the time down in the game and are ideal for traversing the jungle-like elements of Auroa.

The location you’re heading to in Ghost Recon Breakpoint is the Fuel Storage station. You can find it north of the Seal Islands. For those who have traveled over to this region, you’re going to see the Bald Ridge bivouac is the closest rest area nearby. If you haven’t found this location yet, you might as well grab it while you make your way over there.

You can check out the exact location for the bipod in the picture we have at the top of the article. It’s on the upper northwest portion of the Seal Islands, right next to the border of Channels. You can go there at any time to grab it and obtain it inside. If you’re fortunate enough to grab the intel before going, you should have the exact location of the item on your map.

When you attach the item, it’s not going to come out as you might expect. It’s mostly for cosmetic and stat-based changes, so don’t get your hopes of actively using it during a fight.