In the latest update to Ghost of Tsushima comes a multiplayer aspect, where you and up to 4 friends can play co-op together, killing waves upon waves of oni! You have a choice of four unique classes to choose from, each fundamentally different from each other. Each one has their own unique abilities, and each one has their preferred playstyle. It’s really up to you which one that you want to play! This guide will explain what each class does and what their abilities are! So here’s our Ghost of Tsushima: Legends - Classes Guide!

Classes Guide

In Legends Mode, there are a few things you can do; there’s two-player story missions, four players horde/survival, or a four-player raid. Here are the four classes players can choose from:

  • Samurai Hunter Assassin Ronin

Each player can choose what class they want to pick, you are not limited, so if everyone wants to be a Samurai, it’s entirely possible. Every class has specific class abilities that recharge on a cooldown, so you cannot only rely on using these.

Samurai Class

The Samurai class can be categorized as the Tank/DPS class, as this class is all about killing and being in the thick of things. You can take a few hits, but you can lash out with a lot of damage. The Ultimate ability of the Samurai is one of the best!

This class is perfect for those who were honorable during the story, as it’s very much the same gameplay-wise.

  • Weapons Sword Katana Ranged Weapon Half Bow Class Abilities Rank 1 Spirit Pull - This ability steals health away from nearby enemies -  36 Second Cooldown. Rank 10 Explosive Blade - All melee attacks will deal explosive damage for a limited time  -  36 Second Cooldown. Ultimate Hachiman’s Fury - This will strike and teleport to 3 targets, instantly killing them  - costs 3 Resolve.

Hunter Class

  • Sword Katana Ranged Weapon Half Bow

  • Katana

  • Half Bow

  • Rank 1 Spirit Pull - This ability steals health away from nearby enemies -  36 Second Cooldown. Rank 10 Explosive Blade - All melee attacks will deal explosive damage for a limited time  -  36 Second Cooldown. Ultimate Hachiman’s Fury - This will strike and teleport to 3 targets, instantly killing them  - costs 3 Resolve.

  • Spirit Pull - This ability steals health away from nearby enemies -  36 Second Cooldown.

  • Explosive Blade - All melee attacks will deal explosive damage for a limited time  -  36 Second Cooldown.

  • Hachiman’s Fury - This will strike and teleport to 3 targets, instantly killing them  - costs 3 Resolve.

The Hunter class is the expert in ranged-weaponry. If you do not like being in the thick of the fighting and would rather pick off the stragglers or stop multiple enemies rushing a friend, the Hunter class is perfect for you. If you are the Hunter class, the first kill is no doubt going to be you.

  • Weapons Sword Katana Ranged Weapon Longbow Class Abilities Rank 1 Staggering Arrow - Let loose a single arrow into the ground that stuns enemies who go near it  - 55 Second Cooldown. Rank 10 Explosive Arrow - Fires an explosive arrow with a short delay - 55 Second Cooldown. Ultimate Eye of Uchitsune - Automatically targets 3 enemy heads, instant killing them  - costs 3 Resolve.

Assassin Class

  • Sword Katana Ranged Weapon Longbow

  • Longbow

  • Rank 1 Staggering Arrow - Let loose a single arrow into the ground that stuns enemies who go near it  - 55 Second Cooldown. Rank 10 Explosive Arrow - Fires an explosive arrow with a short delay - 55 Second Cooldown. Ultimate Eye of Uchitsune - Automatically targets 3 enemy heads, instant killing them  - costs 3 Resolve.

  • Staggering Arrow - Let loose a single arrow into the ground that stuns enemies who go near it  - 55 Second Cooldown.

  • Explosive Arrow - Fires an explosive arrow with a short delay - 55 Second Cooldown.

  • Eye of Uchitsune - Automatically targets 3 enemy heads, instant killing them  - costs 3 Resolve.

This class is the sneaking class, where if you chose to be dishonorable in the story by assassinating enemies from the shadows, this class is for you. Unlike the Samurai, which is 1 vs. multiple opponents, the Assassin is 1 vs. 1. This class is great when paired with a Hunter, as you can both take out enemies without them knowing what has even hit them.

  • Weapons Sword Katana Ranged Weapon Half Bow Class Abilities Rank 1 Toxic Vanish - You disappear with a toxic smoke bomb, which damages nearby enemies - 62 Second Cooldown. Rank 10 Group Vanish - Allies who are near you will also disappear - 50 Second Cooldown Ultimate Shadow Strike - Teleport u to 3 targets instantly killing them  - costs 3 Resolve

Ronin Class

  • Rank 1 Toxic Vanish - You disappear with a toxic smoke bomb, which damages nearby enemies - 62 Second Cooldown. Rank 10 Group Vanish - Allies who are near you will also disappear - 50 Second Cooldown Ultimate Shadow Strike - Teleport u to 3 targets instantly killing them  - costs 3 Resolve

  • Toxic Vanish - You disappear with a toxic smoke bomb, which damages nearby enemies - 62 Second Cooldown.

  • Group Vanish - Allies who are near you will also disappear - 50 Second Cooldown

  • Shadow Strike - Teleport u to 3 targets instantly killing them  - costs 3 Resolve

The Ronin is the support class of this game, as this class allows you to heal your allies and bring them back characters from the dead without being on top of them to press R2. Not everyone likes being the support class, but the Ronin can still be in the thick of things if you are skilled enough.

  • Weapons Sword Katana Ranged Weapon Half Bow Abilities Rank 1 Spirit Animal - This ability summons a friendly log for a short amount of time - 65 Second Cooldown. Rank 10 Healing Incense - Throws out a gourd of healing incense, which will heal all allies if nearby - 42 Second Cooldown. Ultimate Breath of Izanami - This revives incapacitated allies - costs 3 Resolve

Each class is different, and having a diverse mix of all classes in a party will help you survive and win. Yes, you can have an all Samurai party, who can tank a few hints, but if you’re being overwhelmed from all sides, as well as being bombarded by archers, you’ll be in a heap of trouble.

  • Rank 1 Spirit Animal - This ability summons a friendly log for a short amount of time - 65 Second Cooldown. Rank 10 Healing Incense - Throws out a gourd of healing incense, which will heal all allies if nearby - 42 Second Cooldown. Ultimate Breath of Izanami - This revives incapacitated allies - costs 3 Resolve

  • Spirit Animal - This ability summons a friendly log for a short amount of time - 65 Second Cooldown.

  • Healing Incense - Throws out a gourd of healing incense, which will heal all allies if nearby - 42 Second Cooldown.

  • Breath of Izanami - This revives incapacitated allies - costs 3 Resolve

But having other classes to sneakily take care of the pesky archers or having a Ronin next to you to throw down heals is never a bad thing.