The Theater Mechanicus is on its final day of the event, bringing in two last courses for you to spin your heads on. The final course features a winding and confusing track, and some interesting conditions, so you may find it difficult to earn all 2,500 points required for the maximum rewards. Fortunately, we have an easy method of getting 2,500 points with minimal effort.

Theater Mechanicus is a tower defense mode where you place down turrets imbued with certain elements to defend against hordes of enemies. In this mode, the more enemies you defeat, the more points you’ll earn.

Compared to the last Theater Mechanicus, you will not have any lives, and there aren’t any specific waves. Instead, you have an unlimited amount of lives and simply must defeat enemies for points. Additionally, there are a set amount of enemies you have to defeat rather than waves to defend against.

Here are the towers you can use for this stage:

The Fortune Stick mechanic also returns to the game, granting your turrets certain buffs. However, these are no longer randomly generated, and you can choose which ones you’d like to take from a predetermined list. Here are the buffs we used for this stage:

Today’s course is actually quite easy. There’s a special condition in which you deal more damage if there are less than 10 towers on the field. This means we should use only nine towers. Fortunately, we also have Cryo and Hydro towers, which means we can essentially freeze all of the enemies while dealing extra damage. Start by configuring all the towers, as seen below. You may have to destroy some towers first.

Next, head to the lower part of the map and organize your towers like so:

For some insurance, you might want to consider bringing a Cryo unit to help freeze some of the enemies, such as the Hydro Slimes and Cryo Abyss Mages. Additionally, you should consider bringing a unit that can dish out some crowd control to help toss enemies off of the stage.

You should get all of the 2,500 points you need by following this strategy. After you collect 2,500 points for the Show of Force portion of this course, keep your eyes peeled for the next course.