The Husk of Opulent Dreams is a new upcoming artifact set in Genshin Impact Version 2.3, designed to benefit Geo characters who scale off of DEF% directly. Husk of Opulent Dreams is the first artifact set that will directly increase DEF% as a 2-piece effect, making this a unique set.

The Husk of Opulent Dreams location is found on Seirai Island, to the west of Fort Hiraumi. The fight consists of two waves of both larger and smaller Rifthounds. These Rifthounds can inflict the Corrosion status, which drains your HP through shields for all party members. Use plenty of AoE to knock the wolves out. All party members gain a 40% Electro DMG Bonus and triggers a shockwave when utilizing Electro-Charged reactions, so bring Electro and Hydro characters to the fight.

Pair this artifact set with any Geo character who scales off of DEF%. Not all Geo characters do, so this won’t be a blanket fit for all Geo characters, such as Zhongli, who scales off of HP%. Characters who can make great use of this set are Albedo, Noelle, and the upcoming Arataki Itto.

Set Bonuses

  • 2-piece: +30% DEF4-piece: The on-field character’s Geo damage grants +6% DEF and +6% Geo damage, up to one stack every 0.3s, for a maximum of 4 stacks. When off-field, one stack is gained per 3s. When new stacks are not gained, the buff loses one stack every 6s.

All Pieces

All the pieces of this artifact set are currently unnamed. However, like the other artifact sets in Genshin Impact, there will be 5-different types of artifacts that can each boost a different main stat.