Yun Jin, the infamous opera singer of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe, has a bigger personality than meets the eye. Players who have completed The Crane Returns on the Wind, the Interlude to the Archon Quest, can unlock Yun Jin’s Hangout Event from the Quest menu in exchange for two Story Keys.

Getting all of Yun Jin’s endings will merit you the Memories of the Heart Achievement called The Lingering Song.

Starting the Hangout

At the start of the Hangout, the manager of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe, Yunning, is anxiously pestering Katheryne for a Commission to retrieve Yun Jin, who “ran away” to reflect upon her new opera. Accept the Commission and follow the quest marker to her location, where you must defeat a Ruin Grader. You return to Liyue Harbor with Yun Jin, and from there, the dialogues you choose will branch into five endings.

Ending 1: A Shame That the Road is Rocky

After Yunning scolds Yun Jin for her rash actions, respond with Ultimately, safety should come first… Later, when Yun Jin is pestered by journalists from The Steambird, a publication from Fontaine, respond with Make the most of it. You may as well talk to them.

You then have to sneakily follow the two journalists and listen in on their conversation. You can choose to get caught or not get caught. What’s important is that you respond with (No need to check in with Yun Jin. This ends now!) in the next dialogue sequence. Once that’s done, you can choose to respond however you want for the rest of the Hangout.

Ending 2: And Few Friends You Shall Find

Ending 2 is nearly identical to the first, so you can start at either of these two dialogue routes:

  • Suspicious Trails: if you were previously caught by the journalists. A Strict Contract: if you were not previously caught by the journalists.

If you choose Suspicious Trails, you need to ensure that you aren’t caught by Shiyun and Boyi when sneaking around to listen in on their conversation. Crouch behind hiding spots to conceal your presence.

After, make sure to select the option (I should stay hidden for now and check in with Yun Jin.) You can complete the rest of the Hangout with any dialogue choice.

Ending 3: Brought Together by Common Interests

Start at the dialogue route Guests from The Steambird. But this time, select the option Let’s play it safe and book the interview with your manager. You’ll then order Grilled Tiger Fish and experiment on Milk Tea flavors with Yun Jin. Later, before you part ways, respond with That’s a shame. Your offstage personality is definitely the cuter one.

You’ll then be asked to take a photo of Yun Jin, and she’ll take one of the both of you. Getting this Hangout ending will merit you the Memories of the Heart Achievement called May This Moment Be Made to Last.

Ending 4: A Souvenir Without Sentiment is of Little Worth

To get this ending, start from the dialogue route On Stage and Behind the Scenes. When Yun Jin asks you what version of her you prefer, respond with Your onstage persona is more striking. That’s unavoidable. She’s unhappy with your response and gives you an autographed photo of her performing her latest opera, which many other passersby also have.

Ending 5: The Cast Contemplates the Play’s Meaning

To unlock this ending, start from the dialogue route Crisis Averted…? This time, side with Yun Jin by responding with You made a good point, Yun Jin…

Afterwhich, you can respond to the rest of the Hangout however you see fit. Your choices won’t affect the ending. When you follow Yun Jin to the north of Liyue Harbor, make sure to bring a battle team, as you need to defeat three Geo Slimes and two Geovishap Hatchlings.

You also need to break red scarecrows within 60 seconds in a later challenge. If you manage not to hit any of the blue scarecrows, you’ll unlock the Achievement A Strict Master Trains a Talented Pupil. If you accidentally hit one, you can always go back to the dialogue route Meticulous Performance and try again.

There are other interesting characters in Liyue that you can spend time with. Check out our Genshin Impact Hangout Event: Ningguang Guide and Genshin Impact Hangout Event: Beidou Guide to guide you through their Hangouts.