Where to find those pesky radishes for today’s Marvelous Merchandise quest.

The Marvelous Merchandise event for Genshin Impact has now reached day 5, introducing yet another gift box for you to collect provided you have the resources. These have required an assortment of resources that can be found throughout Mondstadt, including carrots, apples, sweet flowers, pinecones, and more! For today’s requirements, you’ll need 5 Radishes, 5 Pinecones, and 5 Fowl. If you’re having trouble finding the radishes for this step, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll tell you exactly where you can farm radishes in Genshin Impact so you can complete today’s Marvelous Merchandise request.

Where to Farm Radishes in Genshin Impact

The first place you’ll want to search for radishes in Genshin Impact is nearby the Dawn Winery. Once at the winery itself, head South towards the nearest building on your map (also marked by the circle above). Here you’ll find a good handful of radishes, which should prove to be more than enough for the request. You can also find a few carrots here in case you’re missing the amount for that challenge as well. In the event that you don’t end up finding enough for what you need, you can also check near Stone Gate to find just a few more.

Genshin Impact is available on PC, PS4, Android, and iOS.

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Genshin Impact Guide – Where to Farm Radishes

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