Genshin Impact allows you to cook consumable items that increase everything from physical damage, critical strike rate, and health. The process is pretty straightforward. Simple dishes require simple ingredients while the more complex dishes need complex ingredients. These complex ingredients can only be acquired when players process raw ingredients. Luckily, Genshin Impact doesn’t make you stumble upon this realization. Genshin Impact has players process 3 ingredients pretty early in the game to teach you this skill. In return, you use this skill for some daily challenges and everyday cooking.  While it might seem easy for the veteran players, it can be confusing for new ones. Genshin Impact might have the quest, but it doesn’t tell you how to process ingredients. So, if you’re just starting, here’s how to process some ingredients.

How to Process Ingredients

To process 3 ingredients, you must interact with any cooking pot to be brought to the cooking interface. Here, you can see all the different recipes you can make, but instead, you should switch to the pepper icon on the top of the screen. This brings up the processing menu. From here, you have access to all the ingredients that can be processed into more complex ingredients. For example, processing Wheat gives you Flour.  Simply click one of the ingredients, adjust the slider to the desired amount, and wait the required time it will take. To complete the Processing 3 Ingredients task in your Adventurer’s Handbook, follow the steps above, but make sure to do it three times. It doesn’t have to be the same ingredient though, as you can process three different ingredients and still get the quest complete.

Our Other Genshin Impact Guides

  • Genshin Impact Guide – Where to Buy and Find Almond Tofu
  • Genshin Impact Guide – How to Unlock Multiplayer

The time it takes for ingredients to be processed varies depending on what you are processing. Flour takes only a minute, while sugar can take up to three minutes. These are all in real-time, so be ready to wait a while for food like sausage. Your patience will be necessary for these longer processing times. Luckily, Genshin Impact allows you to queue up these tasks, so you can do other things while waiting for that countdown. Be sure to remember that you’re processing things as the indicator for completion isn’t obvious.