Garcia’s Paean: Key Items is a Genshin Impact Daily Commission that you can accept in Sumeru. It continues Garcia and Lutong’s culinary adventure, which began in Liyue’s Wangshu Inn.

How to unlock the Garcia’s Paean: Key Items Sumeru Daily Commission in Genshin Impact

You must first complete a prerequisite World Quest called Garcia’s Paean, where you meet Garcia and Lutong for the first time in Wangshu Inn. Once that’s done, you have a chance of unlocking the follow-up Daily Commission called Garcia’s Paean: Key Items. Getting this Commission chain is purely based on RNG, but you can increase the likelihood of getting it by making sure that your Commission location is set to Sumeru.

How to get Fresh Slime Condensate in the Garcia’s Paean: Key Items Sumeru Daily Commission in Genshin Impact

The Commission starts near the Teleport Waypoint south of the Palace of Alcazarzaray, where you must speak with Garcia. He’ll ask you to collect Fresh Slime Condensate. This is a Quest Item that can only be obtained from the group of Hydro Slimes nearby. Defeat all of the enemies to obtain Fresh Slime Condensate and bring it back to Garcia to complete the Daily Commission. Doing so will also unlock the possibility of getting another Commission called Garcia’s Paean: Substitutes on another day, but the chances are random.

Check out our guide on Where to find the Whopperflower in the Genshin Impact When Flowers Bloom Commission to complete another Sumeru Commission.