Even though it’s not “officially” released yet, that doesn’t happen until September 10th; you can play Gears Of Wars 5 right now. If you’ve got Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription or have pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition you can strap on your armor and kill everything that moves five days before the rest of the world will join in with the carnage.

It hasn’t been plain sailing though, because the servers go down quicker than an elevator with its cords cut, but overall the feedback has been positive, and fans of the series seem to be giving the whole experience a massive thumbs up. And it’s not just for the usual reasons such as brilliant gameplay and mouth-watering graphics either; it’s also because Gears 5 creators, The Coalition, are making the game inclusive for everyone.

Banners, Banners, As Far As The Eye Can See

Having already taken the step of making the lead protagonist, and the focal point of the game, female, The Coalition has gone even further by including 19 Pride Banners in the game. These are accessed in multi-player mode when after a match, and if you’ve earned a commendation, you’ll be able to choose one of these to fly proudly behind your character.

It’s a nice touch in a game that has long been seen as a testosterone-fueled man-fest and one that should be applauded for its statement that Gears 5, and video gaming across the board is for every single person on this planet no matter their race, creed, gender, or sexuality.