Amidst the news of major corporations making large purchases, the independent scene continues to truck along. As consumers worry about monopolization in the triple-A space, a new independent studio comprised of major talent has cropped up, known as Gardens.

The team, which currently sits at 10 staff members, was co-founded by Chris Bell, Lexie Dostal, and Stephen Bell. This trio is best known for indie games like Journey, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Dustforce. Other notable members include Art Lead Ryan Benno, who has worked on Sunset Overdrive along with both Spider-Man PS4 entries, and Principal Engineer Rose Dale, whose previous experience includes Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4.

In an industry that fails to provide safe working conditions, Gardens’ prime directive is ensuring the well-being of its team members. According to co-founder Chris Bell, “our top priority is making sure our teammates enjoy their lives and are given the tools and resources to grow.” The studio’s announcement post stipulates specific actions taken by the company. Its benefits and working conditions include unlimited paid-time-off, 35-hour work weeks, and full medical coverage. All positions are also fully remote.

Gardens’ debut title is described as a “shared fantasy adventure” inspired by the team’s memories with online games. There’s mention of players crossing each other’s paths in what is referred to as, “tactile multiplayer play.” The game’s official title and target platforms have yet to be revealed.