Title: Game of Thrones: “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms ” Review

Release Date: April 21st, 2019

Network: HBO

Genre: Fantasy

(This review will contain spoilers. So, if you have not seen the latest episode, I cannot recommend you read any further. Also, Game of Thrones is a show with a ton of characters and developments throughout. Although I will talk about most of these major developments, this will not be a scene for scene review.)

This was kind of the opposite of last week’s episode. Where last week we saw all the Winterfell characters practically at each others’ throats, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms ” sort of brought everyone together. Well, maybe they aren’t all friends yet but at least everyone is (mostly) on the same page.

Luckily, Jaime survived his encounter with his former Stark and Targaryen enemies. I didn’t think Jaime would die here. But, I wasn’t sure if he would be allowed to walk free and participate in the battle for Winterfell. He is able to fight now because of two reasons. Brienne of Tarth vouching for him and Bran keeping Jaime’s attempted murder back in the show’s pilot under wraps. Jaime and Brienne have an interesting friendship. Jaime sees Brienne as the ideal knight that he always wanted to be. She sees the good in him and not the Kingslayer that the rest of Westeros knows him as. “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” exemplified this with Brienne going to bat for Jaime and Jaime, in turn, officially knighting his friend before the fight for their lives.

Bran and Jaime had some catching up to do (which is probably the most “no $%^$” statement I’ve ever written in a review). I liked when Bran said that, if not for Jaime pushing him out of that window, things could have actually been much worse. That’s probably true.

Don’t get me wrong, Jaime has demonstrated his ability to be a terrible person many times over the show’s run. He’s also had one of the best character arcs in television history, going from a detestable villain to a broken man who just wants to do the right thing for once in his life. If you would have told me that I would be rooting for him to put his name in the Westeros history books back in season 1, I would have burst out in laughter. It just goes to show you how great Game of Thrones has handled (most of) its characters over the years.

Arya met back up with a few people from her past this week as well. I thought the scene between her and The Hound was one of the standouts for sure. The Hound has been through a character change of late himself when you think about it. When Arya last left The Hound, he didn’t care about anyone or anything (other than Arya). He had given up on humanity. I think it goes to show you how much of an effect Ian McShane’s Brother Ray had on him in the brief screentime the two shared. An impending apocalypse is also another reason to get your life together I guess.

I’m pretty sure that Gendry and Arya scene will be one of the most discussed storylines over the next few days. Personally, I’m all for it. The two actors have great chemistry together and it makes Robert Baratheon’s proclamation to Ned back in the show’s pilot more important (“I have a son. You have a daughter. We’ll join our houses”). Although Robert was obviously talking about Joffrey and Sansa, it’s funny that Robert’s wish could still come true by the show’s end.

So, a relationship between Arya and Gendry is happening but I’m pretty sure Jon and Dany’s has been fractured. Jon was in a daze until Tollett arrived in Winterfell. For those who don’t remember this, Jon ran to greet his friend only to be hilariously tackled by Tormund. Sidenote: This was my favorite part of the episode by a large margin.

Look, I’m not sure where Game of Thrones is going with Jon and Daenerys but I’m 100% guaranteeing it’s somehow going to build up to a decision from Dany regarding the Iron Throne. There have been too many hints at this over the past two seasons to suggest anything otherwise. Is she willing to give up the Iron Throne to do what’s right? Or, is her quest to take back her former home going to consume her? While I firmly believe she won’t become the “Mad Queen”, this arc for Dany is pretty interesting.

Jon’s arc is as well. He has the best claim to the throne and has the potential backing to take it. However, it’s clear that Jon wants no part in politics. Until that Earth-shattering revelation last week, it seemed that he was content with killing the White Walker threat for good and being with Dany after it was all over. Now, we don’t know what Jon is thinking. Maybe Sam’s words got to him. Can he trust Dany with the North?

It seems that everyone continues to question what will happen after the Great War ends? Strangely enough, we could see the Great War end next week. Cersei could be the final villain for Game of Thrones. Or, Winterfell could fall and we could see a lot of our favorite characters die. It’s all up in the air right now and that’s part of the fun. Tossing around these theories on how it will all end.

There were other reunions to briefly talk about. Theon and Sansa. Jorah and Lady Mormont. The Night’s Watch crew. Tormund and Brienne (which was completely one-sided, as always). All of them were great. I can’t help but think that we are in store for some major deaths next week to make up for all of these long-awaited reunions. Tyrion has made a few big mistakes over the last few seasons. It looks like the next one could be deadly for him. Brienne just got knighted and actually cracked a smile. It seemed that, for the first time since Renly Baratheon died, she was happy. Yep, she’s definitely dead next week. Bran is being used as bait to lure out the Night King. This reminds me of the whole Rickon situation in season 6. Spoilers: It didn’t end well for Rickon. And then there’s Pod.

Pod…well. Pod was lucky to survive this long.

Verdict: “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” was the prelude to what should be an epic battle for Winterfell. Think of it as the calm before the storm. The drama from last week has seemingly been put on the back burner for now as all the focus is now on the White Walkers. In typical Game of Thrones fashion, expect to see a few deaths next week.

Game of Thrones: “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” Review

  • The slower moments between characters who don’t usually share the screen together

  • Jon telling Dany the truth

  • Every scene involving Jaime, Brienne, or Arya

  • The reunions, especially between Sansa and Theon

  • This episode was the perfect build-up to next week’s battle

  • Forgot to mention this in the review. Ghost returned this week!!!

  • We have to wait a week to see the Battle for Winterfell

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