Several of Game Informer’s staff have taken to Twitter today to announce being laid off from their jobs. This news comes very suddenly, and as of now, the video game magazine has yet to reveal details. It has come up so suddenly and unexpected for employees, that some have found out while on vacation or on an international assignment.

Kyle Hilliard, a Senior Associate Editor at Game Informer, stated:

Matt Bertz, Managing Editor, also Tweeted:

Elise Favis, Associate Editor, said:

Many of these tweets have made it clear that the employees had no warning and no formal meeting with managers or Human Resources before this happened, and that their last day of work was on the day they were told about the layoff. Given no time to close out their projects, transition, or have a two-week grace period makes it clear that whatever the issue may be, it is a serious one.

Editor-in-Chief, Andy McNamara, did release a statement but left out going into too much detail at this time.

The hashtag Game Informer is currently trending as fans of the magazine express their shock. Other publishers have opened up submissions for the employees to apply for jobs, whether freelance or permanent.