Our Heartstone Galakrond Priest Deck List Guide is an early look at this archetype for the Descent of Dragons! Galakrond is one of the unique additions to the expansion and Priest has a chance to take advantage of it. Their version is a late game powerhouse, so taking our opponent into the deep turns will be very beneficial to us.

Priest has largely been confined to a combo deck in the recent expansion and is looking for a change. Enter in Galakrond, the Unspeakable! This is a late game value generator that will have you producing resources every single turn you hit your hero power once you transform into this beastly Dragon. If you like grind heavy games that push your opponent to the limits of their decks, then this should be a good deck option for you.

Galakrond Priest Deck List

Here’s a first look at a possible Galakrond Priest deck in Descent of Dragons:

We’re likely to see some changes to the archetype in the future, we’ll be updating this list and guide with more popular versions once they are revealed!

Galakrond Priest Mulligan Guide

Always Keep

  • Disciple of Galakrond
    • Gives us a decent body and replaces itself with a Priest minion due to the Invoke. This is a great card, and is an obvious must have in a Galakrond based deck.
  • Northshire Cleric
    • You won’t see many Priest decks without this card, and that’s because it’s crazy good! Great early game stat-line and even better if you can manage to pull some value out of it early in the game. It’s also great in the end game for picking up some additional resources.
  • Penance
    • Solid early game removal that can give us some healing as a side benefit. Very good against aggressive starts from fast decks.
  • Mindflayer Kaahrj
    • This can be a great late game card, but it also performs well as a way to just stall the board out with a reasonably statted card and an additional minion that will come out via the Deathrattle.

Possible Keeps

  • Breath of the Infinite
    • Most of the time this card is going to damage our side of the board, but being at 3-cost we don’t really mind that so much. We do have a couple Dragons, so it won’t erase our board every time. We would want to keep this against any class that is known to go wide on the board with low health minions.

How Galakrond Works

Hearthstone Descent of Dragons Deck Guides Coverage

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Galakrond is a Hero Card that will replace your current Hero and Hero Power when played. Galakrond can be powered up by cards with the Invoke keyword. Each time you Invoke Galakrond, it gives you a trigger of Galakrond’s Hero Power whether it is in play or not. You can upgrade your Galakrond twice, each upgrade requires you play a card with Invoke twice (4 times in total for a full upgrade). Each upgrade powers up its Battlecry by double. If you can max our your Galakrond, you will equip a 5/2 weapon when you play it.

Play Strategy & Card Combinations

This is a very slow deck that is looking to compile resources and out endurance our opponent. Galakrond’s Hero Power adds a random Priest minion to our hand. That means we’ll be gaining resources throughout the game as we Invoke it, and will be able to press the button for even more when we’re able to play it. Most decks will not be able to keep up with having to deal with minion after minion as we continually push the game forward.

Our deck features a whole lot of removal and AOE. Cards like Forbidden Words , Penance , Breath of the Infinite , Shadow Word: Death , Mass Hysteria , Time Rip , and Plague of Death are all here to keep the game extended and to prevent too much damage from going towards our face.

Kronx Dragonhoof can draw you your Galakrond which could possibly allow you to play it on curve. If you have already transformed into Galakrond, you’ll be able to unleash a devastation! Here’s a look at what those options look like:

While Archivist Elysiana was a mainstay in Control Warrior decks, it will also serve a great purpose to us here. We’re attempting to run down our opponent and drain their deck of resources. So, if we get to that point, we might ourselves be running low on cards. Archivist solves that issues and an additional 10 cards that our opponent will likely not have. This prevents us from taking fatigue damage, and gives us some additional pressure to force our opponent to concede!

Card Substitutions

Since it is early on in the lifespan of the expansion, I would be hesitant craft anything too early. You might want to just fill in some of the spots with cards you already have and wait and see how this deck ends up fitting into the meta. There’s some different ways to build this deck, you could go heavy on the Dragons or even steer it towards a Highlander version. Here are some additional options that should fit into the deck nicely!

  • Scalerider
    • If we went towards a more Dragon based Galakrond strategy then this would be a solid tempo play that could get us a removal.
  • Twilight Drake
    • This is a deck that could end up with a lot of cards in hand, so running a Twilight Drake might be a great option.
  • Big Ol’ Whelp
    • A very solid card that has good stats and draws a card. It’s hard to say no to something like this, especially if you’re leaning more towards Dragons.
  • Chronobreaker
    • This is a possible option but you’d need more Dragon synergy to make it work. It’s also a Deathrattle which means it’s very hard to make it go off when you actually need it to.
  • Princess Talanji
    • This works very well with Galakrond’s Hero Power and could make for some pretty strong turns given the right hand!