Age of Empires IV is a real-time strategy game that requires you to memorize tech trees to play effectively and get units out as soon as possible when you need them. However, each civilization has unique features and units, so remembering the prerequisites for each one can be difficult.
Full Chinese Tech Tree
The tech tree below is sorted in ascending order by Civilization Age, then alphabetically by Building and the units/upgrades they provide at that Age. If a unit/upgrade is nested in another unit/upgrade, the parent list item is a prerequisite to the child list item.
Dark Age
The following buildings and units become available in the Dark Age.
Tang Dynasty Bonus (Only applies to the Dark Age)Scouts Gain +30% line of sight.
Scouts Gain +30% line of sight.
Barbican of the Sun (Landmark)BarracksDark AgeSpearmanHardened SpearmanVeteran Spearman (Castle Age)Elite Spearman (Imperial Age)Castle AgePalace GuardElite Palace Guard (Imperial Age)Imperial AgeBattle HardenedDockDark AgeFishing BoatTransport ShipFeudal AgeTrade ShipJunkExtended LinesDrift Nets (Castle Age)Additional SailsCastle AgeWar JunkExplosive JunkExtra HammocksNavigator LookoutExtra BallistaImperial AgeBaochuanChaser CannonsExplosivesFarmHouseImperial AcademyFeudal AgeImperial ExaminationsLumber CampDark AgeForestryFeudal AgeDouble BroadaxLumber Preservation (Castle Age)Crosscut Saw (Imperial Age)MillDark AgeSurvival TechniquesWheelbarrowFeudal AgeProfessional ScoutsHorticultureFertilization (Castle Age)Precision Cross-Breeding (Imperial Age)Mining CampFeudal AgeSpecialized PickAcid Distillation (Castle Age)Cupellation (Imperial Age)OutpostFeudal AgeHandcannon SlitsFortify OutpostCastle AgeSpringald EmplacementImperial AgeCannon EmplacementPalisade GatePalisade WallTown CenterDark AgeScoutVillagerImperial OfficerFeudal AgeTextiles
Feudal Age
The following buildings and units become available in the Feudal Age.
Hardened SpearmanVeteran Spearman (Castle Age)Elite Spearman (Imperial Age)
Veteran Spearman (Castle Age)Elite Spearman (Imperial Age)
Elite Spearman (Imperial Age)
Elite Palace Guard (Imperial Age)
Drift Nets (Castle Age)
Lumber Preservation (Castle Age)Crosscut Saw (Imperial Age)
Crosscut Saw (Imperial Age)
Professional ScoutsHorticultureFertilization (Castle Age)Precision Cross-Breeding (Imperial Age)
Fertilization (Castle Age)Precision Cross-Breeding (Imperial Age)
Precision Cross-Breeding (Imperial Age)
Acid Distillation (Castle Age)Cupellation (Imperial Age)
Cupellation (Imperial Age)
ScoutVillagerImperial Officer
Song Dynasty Bonus (Only applies to the Feudal Age)Villager product time reduces by -35%Unique Building: VillageUnique Unit: Zhuge Nu
Archery RangeFeudal AgeArcherVeteran Archer (Castle Age)Elite Archer (Imperial Age)Zhuge NuVeteran Zhuge Nu (Castle Age)Elite Zhuge Nu (Imperial Age)Castle AgeCrossbowmanElite Crossbowman (Imperial Age)Imperial AgeHand CannoneerGrenadierAstronomical Clocktower (Landmark)Castle AgeClocktower SpringaldClocktower Nest of BeesClocktower Counterweight TrebuchetImperial AgeClocktower BombardBattering RamBlacksmithFeudal AgeBloomeryDecarbonization (Castle Age)Damascus Steel (Imperial Age)Steeled ArrowBalanced Projectiles (Castle Age)Platecutter Point (Imperial Age)Fitted LeatherworkInsulated Helm (Castle Age)Mastered Smiths (Imperial Age)Iron UndermeshWedge Rivets (Castle Age)Angled Surfaces (Imperial Age)Siege EngineeringCastle AgeMilitary AcademyImperial Palace (Landmark)MarketFeudal AgeTraderSiege TowerStableFeudal AgeScoutHorsemanVeteran Horseman (Castle Age)Elite Horseman (Imperial Age)Castle AgeLancerElite Lancer (Imperial Age)Fire LancerElite Fire Lancer (Imperial Age)Stone WallStone Wall GateStone Wall Tower
Castle Age
The following buildings and units become available in the Castle Age.
Villager product time reduces by -35%Unique Building: VillageUnique Unit: Zhuge Nu
Veteran Archer (Castle Age)Elite Archer (Imperial Age)
Elite Archer (Imperial Age)
Veteran Zhuge Nu (Castle Age)Elite Zhuge Nu (Imperial Age)
Elite Zhuge Nu (Imperial Age)
Elite Crossbowman (Imperial Age)
Castle AgeClocktower SpringaldClocktower Nest of BeesClocktower Counterweight TrebuchetImperial AgeClocktower Bombard
Decarbonization (Castle Age)Damascus Steel (Imperial Age)
Damascus Steel (Imperial Age)
Balanced Projectiles (Castle Age)Platecutter Point (Imperial Age)
Platecutter Point (Imperial Age)
Insulated Helm (Castle Age)Mastered Smiths (Imperial Age)
Mastered Smiths (Imperial Age)
Wedge Rivets (Castle Age)Angled Surfaces (Imperial Age)
Angled Surfaces (Imperial Age)
Military Academy
Veteran Horseman (Castle Age)Elite Horseman (Imperial Age)
Elite Horseman (Imperial Age)
Elite Lancer (Imperial Age)
Elite Fire Lancer (Imperial Age)
Yuan Dynasty Bonus (Only applies to the Feudal Age)Villagers, officials, and military units gain +15% speed.Unique Building: GranaryUnique Unit: Fire Lancer
Great Wall Gatehouse (Landmark) Keep Castle AgeSpringald EmplacementBoiling OilExtra MaterialsImperial AgeCannon EmplacementMonasteryCastle AgeMonkHerbal MedicineImperial AgePietyTithe BarnsSiege WorkshopCastle AgeSpringaldNest of BeesCounterweight TrebuchetGreased AxlesImperial AgeBombardRoller Shutter TriggersReload DrillsReuseable BarrelsPyrotechnicsSiege WorksSpirit Way (Landmark)
Imperial Age
The following buildings and units become available in the Imperial Age.
Villagers, officials, and military units gain +15% speed.Unique Building: GranaryUnique Unit: Fire Lancer
Ming Dynasty Bonus (Only applies to the Feudal Age)Military Units gain +10% health.Unique Building: PagodaUnique Unit: Grenadier
Enclave of the Emperor (Landmark)UniversityImperial AgeChemistryGeometryBiologyIncendiary ArrowsCourt ArchitectsAncient TechniquesElite Army Tactics
That’s the entire tech tree for the Chinese Civilization!
- Military Units gain +10% health.Unique Building: PagodaUnique Unit: Grenadier
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