A Wave of Literary Nostalgia Swims Closer to Success

Andrew Smith’s upcoming print and digital video game magazine From Gamers is reigniting a literary revolution into video game journalism. With its primary focus on print publication, From Gamers promises to promote community-driven pieces for gamers, by gamers. And with its crowdfunding campaign currently at 83% for its goal completion, Smith’s project is closer to seeing its official distribution.

The magazine has been assembling a team of writers during its campaign. Feature writers and a review team are on the Update section to showcase what’s to come in terms of composition and execution. In addition, stretch goals have also been reached for the first two issues where backers will receive special gifts for their contributions.

As of recent, the backing attention for From Gamers has garnered significant funding, to where it’s now at 83% of its goal. A total of 81 backers have shown their support for the nostalgic project. Its endgame is aimed at $5,000, with $4,139 pledged to make the magazine come to fruition.

What is From Gamers?

The video game magazine is a brand new publication from gaming journalist Andrew Smith. He’s aiming to bring back the old-school aesthetic of reading a physical gaming magazine with the project. New photos from the upcoming issues on the Kickstarter page anticipate new reviews and feature articles. Open-minded gaming writers are welcome to submit their ideas to the team, driving forth the ambition to host a publication where gamers can share literary thoughts.