The cult classic web game has returned, and this time on Steam. Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition will come to Steam in 2020.

Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition is coming to Steam soon! Every time you wishlist, a frog gets her wings.

— Jim Stormdancer (@mogwai_poet) January 28, 2020

For those that are unaware of what Frog Fractions is, stop what you are doing and play it here. Do not look at anything about the game, just play it right now.

The original game was a fun twist on the classic educational game. What first begins as a simple clicker game loosely themed around amphibians and math soon descends into a beautiful mash-up of different game genres.

Frog Fractions: More Than An Edu-tainment Game

What made the game so special was sharing it with friends and watching their faces shift from confusion, surprise, and pure delight. While a sequel also tried to capture that same surprise, it did not work out as well.

Frog Fractions did get a sequel, but it was not as successful as the first. Instead of being a web game, Frog Fractions 2 was contained in another game called Glittermitten Grove, a game about being a fairy and building up your own grove.

Glittermitten Grove was by itself a fun game, and the fact that it also contained Frog Fractions 2 was a nice surprise but it did not have the same effect as the first game. Instead of sharing a link with friends, telling them to try this $20 Steam game was something different than most would not take on.

Hopefully, this new version of Frog Fractions can surprise as the first one did and more. Games have changed a lot since the first game, and it would be interesting to see what can change in the game.

Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition does not have a set release date yet, just set for mid to late 2020. You can wishlist it on the game’s Steam page to get updates when they become available.