Have you ever been poor during a Steam sale, gazing endlessly at the huge library of deals that you just can’t afford when, suddenly, you see that glorious green notification icon at the top of your screen. A green beacon of hope from a friend with more money than sense who has just gifted you a game that you wanted. . . or some useless trashy joke game and and your feelings are crushed even more, spiraling you into a deep depression. Nevertheless, free stuff is always fun.

Microsoft are planning to add this feeling of either happiness or despair to the Xbox One family sometime soon. Confirmed on Twitter from Xbox Vice President Mike Ybarra, the Xbox Team are “not far” from allowing users to purchase gifts for their Xbox friends.

The “Gift A Friend” feature is one of Xbox’s most requested with other 4,700 people voting in favor of the feature on Xbox User Voice. With Microsoft’s original vision for the Xbox One focusing around users to send digital license keys for their friends, it is quite worrisome that the company hasn’t got around to adding the ability to gift games to friends yet.

Since the departure of previous Xbox Head Don Mattrick, Xbox has done a great job at adding features that players want, including the ever-popular backward compatibility. With an attitude like this, Microsoft are doing well at becoming a brand that cares for its fans.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Friends will soon be able to gift you games on Xbox One

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