Turn 10 Studios has announced that development on Forza Motorsport 7 ends with the release of the August 2019 update. This final update includes several promised features that the developers announced last year after a not so satisfying launch in 2017.

We already knew that the team was ramping up production on Forza Motorsport 8. The game should release in time for Microsoft’s next console, Project Scarlett, in 2020. But now we have a firm date of when the team fully deploys on the next iteration of the racing franchise.

“Finally, a word about the future for Forza Motorsport 7,” you can read in the latest blog post from the studio, which further details the things included in the final, and very meaty, update for the existing title.

“Development on Forza 7, including further Forza Race Regulations features, will culminate with next month’s August 2019 update. Of note, the August update will feature race disqualifications based on accumulated penalty times. Look for more detail on how this will work next month.”

Again, Forza Motorsport 7 had a controversial launch as many pointed out how the gameplay focused on monetization. Additionally, there was the issue of the game’s overall multiplayer and the quality of competition without strict rules, similar to Gran Turismo ​which released that same year.

It was good to see Turn 10 Studios work to make things right despite the rocky launch, but now it’s time for them to create something new. Hopefully, the additional time the developers had on their latest game helps them moving forward.
