With the recent release of Forza Horizon 5, players who are picking up the latest entry in the racing series want to know how to party up with some friends and drive across the scenic vistas of Mexico together. This process takes a few steps and might be a little obtuse for those who don’t know who to do it. Luckily, I am here to aid you with getting your friends together to enjoy some of the exciting driving the game has on offer. This guide will show you how to play with friends in Forza Horizon 5.

How to Play With Friends in Forza Horizon 5

The party system in Forza Horizon 5 is called the “Convoy” system which allows you to invite up to 12 players to join your game and also supports crossplay. To access this feature you first need to unlock the Online mode of the game. This isn’t too hard as all you need to do is finish the game’s opening showcase, create your player character, select your starting car, and finish a few tutorial races. Once all that is done, you will have access to the online menu. You do this by opening the pause menu, tabbing over to the Online section, and going over to the button that says “Convoy.”

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The menu will take you to a screen asking if you want to either find or join a convoy. If you choose to create a convoy, you will be greeted by a menu full of parameters and options. For this guide, you are trying to play with your friends, so all you need to select is “Friend Only” though also turning on “Invite Only” is also a good choice. Once this is all set up, just type in your friend’s gamertag and you will be able to invite them to your convoy and play with your friends in Forza Horizon 5.

Forza Horizon 5 is available on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.