Learn how-to complete all of the parts in this new event with our Fortnitemares Challenges Guide! We’ve got all of the solutions for each of the parts in Fortnitemares. Earn those new cosmetics include the Fiery Emoticon, Deadfire Spray, Virulent Flames Contrail, and the Dark Engine Glider!

Fortnitemares is a huge event this year now that Fortnite is one of the biggest games in the history of gaming. We’ve got tons of new skins on the horizon, as well as challenges to complete with new stuff to earn. There’s Cube Monsters to deal with, and the entire map is covered in tons of Halloween themed decorations! You can find even more information on Fortnite’s Official Fortnitemares 2018 news post.

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  • Part 1 Challenges List Part 2 Challenges List Part 3 Challenges List Part 4 Challenges List

Fortnitemares Part 1 Challenges List & Reward

For part 1 of the challenges, you’ll be destroying Cube Monsters, dealing damage with Assault Rifles or Pistols to Cube Monsters, visiting different Corrupted Areas in different matches, and dancing in front of different Gargoyles. If you complete this, you’ll get the Fiery emoticon!

Destroy Cube Monsters (200)

First off, what are Cube Monsters? These are kind of the big new addition to the game during the event. You will find purple cubes or pillar like objects all over the map. These will spawn the Cube Monsters, and you need to kill them! Killing these monsters will give you shield for each you kill, and they will drop loot as well. Be sure to pickup as much ammunition as you can, because you are going to need it. There’s different types of Cube Monster, you have the small skinny ones that go down very easily (50hp around), and then you have the larger ones that take a bit more damage to eliminate. Each of these variants can come in a glowing purple version, this one has more hp than your standard Zombie. The final kind is the golden big boy monster, this is like a legendary spawn kind of deal. It will take quite a bit of damage to take him down, so make sure you lay on the firepower.

Deal damage with Assault Rifles or Pistols to Cube Monsters (5,000)

This is pretty easy, and you’ll finish this far before you finish the challenge above. The smaller Zombies take one headshot from an Assault Rifle, so just tap those down and you’ll clear this challenge quickly. Use that new Six Shooter for this challenge, it’s a really fun weapon!

Visit a Corrupted Area in Different Matches (7)

This one is going to take you at least seven matches to complete, you can only get credit for a single corrupted area per match. These are all the rune areas that you’ve visited before for your battle pass challenges. Here’s a quick map to where they are:

Dance in front of different Gargoyles (5)

Gargoyles have been placed across the map, but good thing for you that you only need to dance in front of five of them. Make sure to have at least one dance equipped in your emote wheel so you can do this quickly and hopefully without getting shot! You’ll know you’ve found a gargoyle if you see one of these:

You can find them all with the Gargoyle Locations Map below:

Fortnitemares Part 2 Challenges List & Reward

Part 2 of the challenges will have you destroying Cube Fiends, dealing damage to Cube Monsters with Shotguns and SMGs, eliminating opponents in corrupted areas, and destroying Ghost Decorations in different named locations!

When you complete part 2 of the challenges, you will get yourself the Deadfire Spray!

Destroy Cube Fiends (150)

Cube Fiends are the smaller Cube Monsters you are finding popping out of the corrupted cubes that are scattered around the map. This should be easy enough, just keep slaying the monsters as you play the game.

Deal damage with Shotguns or SMGs to Cube Monsters (5,000)

While you are destroying Cube Fiends, go ahead and equip a Shotgun or SMG while you are doing it to get credit for this challenge.

Eliminate opponents at Corrupted Areas (3)

You’ve no doubt been assaulted by players while minding your own business and killing zombies. Well, now you have a reason to dispatch of these pesky obstacles and get credit for the challenge too. Corrupted ares are those purple-y spots on the map with the runes on them. There’s a full map with all of them listed above!

Destroy a Ghost Decoration in different Named Locations (7)

There are ghosts all over the map, so this shouldn’t be too difficult to complete. They are generally hanging off of trees or from the roof of houses. Here’s a full map with all of the available locations, but you can also find more details on our Fortnitemates Ghost Decoration Locations post!

Fortnitemares Part 3 Challenges List & Reward

Part 3 of the Fortnitemares Challenges has you destroying Cube Brutes, dealing damage to Cube Monsters with explosive weapons, searching chests in Corrupted Areas, and visiting various map locations.

If you complete part 3 of the Fortnitemares Challenges you will get yourself the Virulent Flames Contrail!

Destroy Cube Brutes (25)

Cube Brutes are the larger of the two Cube Monsters that spawn naturally from the corrupted pillars. Your best bet is to go in solo and head to an low population areas and find some Cube Fragments. You’ll get all the Brutes to yourself and can slay them out.

Deal damage with Explosive Weapons to Cube Monsters (2,000)

Find your various explosive weaponry and blow up some Cube Monsters. This one shouldn’t be too hard, you might struggle to find the weaponry, but once you do you can quickly rack up the damage.

Search Chests in Corrupted Areas (7)

Once again we are heading to Corrupted Areas, but this one is going to be a bit easier than getting eliminations. Chests spawn around all of these rune areas, so you can just land at one and grab some loot. You might want to try doing this at locations that are further from the bus path.

Stage 1: Visit Wailing Woods (5)

This one is a series challenge, and you’ll have to visit a few different locations. Wailing Woods is first, Fatal Fields is second, and Haunted Hills is third.

Fortnitemares Part 4 Challenges List & Reward

The last part of the Fornitemares Challenges has you destroying Elite Cube Monsters, damaging Cube Fragments, dealing damage to Cube Monsters in a single match, visiting different Corrupted Areas in a single match, destroying Cube Fragments, and completing 14 Fortnitemares Challenges!

For completing the final part of the Fortnitemares Challenges you will get the Dark Engine glider!

Destroy Elite Cube Monsters (10)

We’re not quite sure what Elite Cube Monsters are yet, but they are either the glowing versions of the Cube Monsters (most likley), or they are the Gold Glowing ones that are pretty rare to spawn. I don’t think those are the ones because they have a pretty low spawn rate and that would really take forever to complete.

Damage Cube Fragments (2,500)

Cube Fragments are the things that actually spawn the Cube Monsters and they are scattered across the map. This one should be pretty easy if you are actively killing the monsters in game.

Deal damage to Cube Monsters in a single match (1,000)

This one might be a bit more difficult, but as long as you are in a lower population area then it shouldn’t be too hard. This would be a good one to do while completing the Explosive Weapons challenge from the previous part.

Visit Different Corrupted Areas in a single match (4)

Another trip to the Corrupted Areas, this one is going to be the most difficult. You’ll want to maybe grab a vehicle or just use shadow stones to get around the map quickly so you don’t get eliminated before hitting four of the areas.

Destroy Cube Fragments (3)

Hopefully, you can complete this while doing the damage Cube Fragments thing, but if you are doing it in duo or squad you might not get credit if one of them destroys it before you do. Again, this will be easier if you just head far away from the bus, so try and take a long flight if possible.

Complete Fortnitemares challenges (14)


So, you have to complete 14 of the challenges and there are 17 in total. This is nice, because some of the ones in the final part can be a bit difficult. However, if you want to actually earn the final cosmetic, you are going to have to complete all six of the final parts challenges. That’s probably the whole reason you are doing this, so you won’t get to skip many of the challenges if you want to grab all of the cosmetics.