Fortnite, being a third-person shooter and all, brings in a nice helping of weapons for you to test out. Everything from the normalcy of your standard assault rifle to some rather outlandish weapons as the past Sideways lineup of firearms lets you tactically take down your opponent however you see fit. Just today in fact (July 18), the Epic Games team brought another weapon into the mix: The Prime Shotgun. With a rather unique change compared to the other shotguns, you might be wondering where you can find and try this weapon for yourself. No need to worry as, in this guide, we’ll explain where to find the Prime Shotgun in Fortnite!

Where to Find the Prime Shotgun in Fortnite

As the Prime Shotgun is like any other gun in the current roster, long-time fans of Fortnite shouldn’t be surprised as to how you acquire this weapon. You can pick up the Prime Shotgun off of the standard ground loot based on where you land on travel, through Supply Drops across the map, through Reality Saplings, or by either Fishing or dealing with Sharks. While this may seem obvious to some, to you newer players, you’ll need to get it through any of these ways while playing Fortnite.

The Prime Shotgun itself offers a unique perk in that the first shot of the magazine will always deal more damage than any of the remaining three shots. With this in mind, it could make sense to fire one shot, reload, fire another shot, and repeat that process for maximum damage. Though if you find yourself in a situation where you need faster damage, you still have three more shots in the clip to work with. As an added bonus to visual clarity, a light on the weapon will help indicate how many shots are remaining in the magazine. Good luck finding the weapon and using it!

Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices.