Fortnite’s island has been partially covered in a whole lot of water! However, it appears that periodically there’s drops in that level which expose more and more of the map. We’ve got a look at how the water is receding, when it will be dropping, and what the maps are going to look like each time there’s a change!

It appears that every seven days or so the water levels will drop on the island. The map shifts a fair amount and more of it is exposed. It looks like towards the end of the season we’ll have nearly a fully opened map, which will then make way for the ability to drive a whole bunch of cars.

Fortnite Water Level Stages

Here’s where we’re taking a look at high quality images of each stage of the map’s transition. We don’t have them all yet, because the full image doesn’t get revealed until the drop actually occurs. If you want to see how the map will fully transition, go to the bottom of the page to check out each phase!

Stage 1

This is the original map stage that we got coming right out of season 2. It is the most covered with water, especially in the southwestern part where there’s a bunch of spotty islands. Both Weeping Woods and Slurpy Swamp were completely submerged, which made way for The Fortilla area.

Stage 2

On July 1st, 2020 we got our first water level drop. This exposed a lot more land between Holly Hedges and Salty Springs. It also changed the shape of the islands in the southwest, and the large boat in that area moved north.

Stage 3

On July 11th, 2020 the second water drop occurred. As the water receded, it connected the land between Salty and Holly Hedges. Sweaty Sands saw some more land exposed to it in the southwest. The Fortilla continues to warp and change, where islands become submerged and landmasses become exposed elsewhere. More land became available near Steamy Stacks, and it looks like the Dirty Docks is becoming more visible.

Stage 4

The fourth stage of the water drop happened on July 18th, 2020. a pretty significant road has opened up that bridges the gap where Weeping Woods used to be. This will give those cars that are going to be released soon a way to get around!

Stage 5

The fifth water drop took place on July 24th, 2020.

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8

The final water drop occurred on August 1st, 2020 at 3am ET. This has revealed the full map and exposed the Coral Kingdom area of the map to the northwest. You can also now complete the secret launch the spaceship challenge.

Water Drop Map Spoilers

While we don’t have full color views of all the maps that will be available during the water drops, we do have some undiscovered ones that show how the progression will happen. IF you don’t want to spoil yourself, just avoid looking at these, because it looks like they cover the complete transition from underwater to fully formed map!