It’s time for week 3 of the Season 5 Battle Pass. This week we’ll be dealing damage to enemies while riding in an ATK, searching chests in Fatal Fields, eliminating opponents in Haunted Hills, shooting clay pigeons, using a launchpad, following a treasure map found in Flush Factory, and using explosive weaponry to get eliminations!

Free Battle Pass Challenges List

  • Deal damage to opponents in a single match (500) Use a Launchpad (1) Follow the treasure map found in Flush Factory (HARD)
  • Search Chests in Fatal Fields (7) Shoot a Clay Pigeon at different locations (4) Eliminate opponents in Haunted Hills (5) Explosive Weapon Eliminations (3) (HARD)  Hidden Battle Star

Check out our Season 5 Guide for guides on every week of challenges!

Struggling with Challenges?

If you are having any issues with the challenges, try heading to the 50v50 LTM. You get a lot more chance to loot areas that require chest openings without being shot. You can knock off a lot of these challenges in this mode, however, it’s a bit more difficult to get location specific eliminations done. I’d try to do those in solo, duos, or squads.

Deal damage to opponents in a single match (500)

This shouldn’t be too bad, but you’ll want to play more safely than usual. It might be hard to get to 500 if you hot drop and are being eliminated constantly. I would recommend doing this in squads, there’s a lot more opportunity for damage, and you can damage enemies that have been downed.

Use a Launchpad (1)

This should be an easy one! I recommend 50v50 for this type of thing, it’s super easy to find a launchpad there.

Follow the treasure map found in Flush Factory (HARD)

All you need to do to grab this battle star is head to the north west mountain from Fatal Fields! It’s on the very east portion of the mountain where you’ll find a dirt area in the grass.

Search Chests in Fatal Fields (7)

Fatal Fields is a bit of an underrated spot to land. It has a lot of chests, and as you can see from the map below it is flanked by forest areas you can head to if you get stuck without a gun. The main house is a hot spot for people to land at, so you might want to avoid this area and head for the lesser popular ones.

Fatal Fields Chest Map

Eliminate opponents in Haunted Hills (5) (HARD)

Haunted Hills is a pretty low population area, but now it’s going to be popping. It’s kind of awkward to land at, things are scattered and the terrain is kind of weird. There’s also not much in the way of resources in the immediate area, but if you land on a gun quickly you should be able to take out a few people.

Shoot a Clay Pigeon at different locations (4)

Clay Pigeons are a new addition to the Fortnite map. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, in real life, a clay pigeon (basically a frisbee or discus) is launched by a machine and you need to fire it out of the air. The same basic concept is here in Fortnite. Head to the various locations listed on the map below, and you will find the clay pigeon areas. Hit your use key on it, and it will fire out a pigeon which you will need to shoot out of the air! Do this at 4 different locations, and you will be all set.

Here’s a video if you want a better look at the locations!

Explosive Weapon Eliminations (3) (HARD)

Look for those Rocket and Grenade Launcher to complete this challenge. Again, this will be way easier in 50v50 to complete. There’s a ton of loot to grab, and a lot of people who stand around waiting to be exploded!

Hidden Battle Star for Week 3 of Season 5

Once you complete all of the challenges for the week you will be rewarded with a loading screen! This loading screen contains a clue to a hidden battle star. Week 3’s loading screen is below, I’ve circled where the clue is in the image below.

Check out a full list with all of the hidden stars with our Season 5 Hidden Battle Star Locations Guide!

This clue is a bit more difficult to narrow down, but as you can see from the license plate it is clearly directing us to the J2 coordinate on the map. SW likely stands for south west, so we’re headed for that portion of the map for the star. Here’s a map with the near exact location.