For the last few weeks in Fortnite, the snow has slowly crept across the map, and now the entire island is covered in it. The only place that is safe from the snow is good old Slurpy Swamp, as it appears the snow can’t build upon that soggy ground.

It’s a divisive time for Fortnite players, as some people love the snow, while others don’t enjoy the impact that it has on gameplay. In the past, snow has meant all kinds of changes, or special events, but at the moment with Winterfest currently running, the Winterfest Cabin being open, and even events like the Star War crossover, it seems that we can consider the snow to be some inclement weather, rather than a warning of significant change in the game.

The game will get its daily update in just a couple of hours, however, so who knows what kind of significant changes might arrive. Remember to check the Winterfest Cabin for your present, daily Holiday Stocking, and keep an eye out for any small changes. If you are looking for a new skin, be sure to check out the Christmas Tree in the cabin, as it holds a surprise for you. If you have already grabbed the skin, make sure you pay very close attention in the Winterfest Cabin today, as who knows what kind of new surprises it might hold.

If you are one of the players who doesn’t enjoy the snow-covered map, then have no fear. From tomorrow on, the snow will start to recede again and should be completely gone in no time, so you’ll get the map you know and love back very soon.