Want to learn more about two very powerful weapons in the Fortnite: Battle Royale arsenal? You’ve come to the right place, we’ll be covering all the ins-and-outs of Rocket & Grenade Launcher with tips and trick as well as covering stats of each weapon!

Fortnite Rocket & Grenade Launcher Stats & Damage

The Rare Rocket Launcher was removed in the 5.4 Fortnite Patch.

  • Grenade Launcher (Blue): 100 damage Grenade Launcher (Purple): 105 damage Grenade Launcher (Orange): 110 damage Rocket Launcher (Purple): 116 damage Rocket Launcher (Orange): 121 damage

Can I damage myself?

YES! With both options you can damage yourself. You can’t currently damage a teammate, but you can explode a rocket into them and hurt yourself!

How do you rocket ride?

If you haven’t heard of this before, you can fire a rocket under your teammate and if they land on it they’ll fly with the rocket. This is mostly for fun, but it can be a good way to launch a teammate towards an area quickly or get them out of the storm.

It’s actually pretty easy to do! Have your teammate stand a little ways in front of you, tell them to jump, and then crouch fire the rocket under them. The timing can be a bit finicky (latency), so be careful when you do this because it’s easy to be too late and deal a bunch of damage to yourself.

Crits or Headshots?

Nope. You can’t critical hit someone or land a headshot with a rocket or grenade launcher. If you land it right on people it does max damage, but it isn’t a critical hit.

Rocket Launcher vs. Grenade Launcher?

Each option is very good, but they have areas where they excel. The grenade launcher is much better at attacking large bases and allowing you to slip grenades into the opponent’s fort. I like it much better in squad games where I know people will be building large forts that will be hard to attack. The rocket launcher can be used similarly, but i like it better in solos/duos because you are less worried about huge forts and fights are up-close and personal.

The rocket launcher is much easier to defend against. A player can throw a wall in front of a rocket and will easily block it. Grenades are harder to predict, and if the person firing them arcs them correctly they can explode without the person knowing where it was coming from.

Fortnite Rocket Launcher Tips

Break walls before your rocket hits it!

A smart tactic to attempt is to fire a rocket at a wall your opponent is behind and wait until the last second and shoot it out with another weapon. This allows you to potentially land the rocket on the interior of the base if they aren’t quick enough to throw another wall in front of it.

Shoot your rocket into the base rather than at the base of the base…

Was that confusing? Think about it this way, fire the rocket INTO the fort rather than at the fort. Rockets are pretty easy to block with a single wall, but they have a lot of spread, so if you can land it INSIDE the fort it will likely hit the person and take out multiple walls. To make this easier, try to get above the other players fort. This is obviously easier of they don’t see you, but try to build above so you can at least get an angle into their base and try to slip the rocket inside of it.

Fortnite Grenade Launcher Tips

Be careful when firing grenades close up

Grenades have a lot of bounce on them, if you direct them into a wall and you are close it can easily bounce back and explode in your face. Be very careful using this at close range, this is a better long range weapon.

Don’t aim directly at the fort, drop them INTO the fort

Unless you think you can quickly destroy a fort at its base (to knock the whole thing down), it’s much better to drop the grenades INTO the base. This requires you to kind of lob them upwards in an attempt to sink the shot (KOBE!). If a player is sitting in the base, they’ll be forced to jump out or eat a huge amount of damage. Most players don’t know how to react to this, and if you sink the shot there’s usually not much they can do about it.

Use a ramp or ledge to deaden the trajectory

There will be times when you are too close to the base which will make it harder to land your grenades correctly. If you build a ramp and kind of bounce your shots off of the edge of it, this will soften the trajectory and make it so they will travel less distance and can hopefully land successfully. This takes practice and will become easier with time once you get a handle on how the weapon works.