While we wait for the inevitable meteor that has been hovering over our heads in game. A new weapon has been added to Fortnite, and it’s the Light Machine Gun (LMG)! We’ve listed all of the current information about this new weapon below.

Release Date: April 19th, 2018

Where does a gun like the light machine gun fit into the game? It can’t compete too directly with the minigun, unless they plan to vault it in favor of this gun. It’s likely going to compete for your assault rifle spot, but it will ultimately depend on how accurate the gun is and how much damage each bullet does. However, due to the slow reload times, it’s likely you’ll need to switch to another weapon in longer fights rather than waste your time reloading it. I can see this gun being good in squads to put on pressure while your teammates aggressive push on your enemies.

Check out our guide to the Best Guns in Fortnite!

Light Machine Gun (LMG) Ammo Type & Magazine Size

The light machine gun uses Medium ammo and has a 100 round magazine with a 5 second reload time.

Light Machine Gun (LMG) Damage & Stats

The light machine gun does 25 / 26 (Rare/Epic) to the body and 50 / 52 (Rare/Epic) damage for each head shot.

Light Machine Gun (LMG) Where-to Find

The light machine gun comes in rare and epic versions, and can be found in floor loot, treasure chests, and vending machines!

Light Machine Gun (LMG) Tips & Tricks

These are obviously going to be very speculative, so take these with a grain of salt until we can actually get our hands on the gun.

  • Due to the likelihood of it being similar to the minigun, you are going to want to not expose yourself too heavily with this. It will be very easy to accidentally knock out your own structures while shooting this, so be careful when firing. This is likely going to be much better in squads and duos, so make sure your teammates are not allowing your enemies to get clean shots on you. Communication will be key, I doubt this is going to be a good gun in solos, but I’ve been surprised before. If it is as inaccurate as I expect it will be, it’s going to be better to use this in short bursts to keep it fairly accurate. As Epic says, this is going to be slow to reload. That means you should basically never attempt to reload this while in a fight. If you give your enemies too much time, they will run up on you or build over you. Switch to another weapon, this is not likely to be a good primary gun, but rather a gun you opt to when you don’t have an explosive weapon or something in your fourth slot.