Epic Games has offered an update for Fortnite on mobile, confirming that the game is scheduled to come to the Android platform some time this summer.

Fortnite is a smash hit on the iOS platform, recently passing $50 million in revenue at the beginning of the month. Eventually the game will come to the other major mobile platform, and the success should grow even further.

“We are targeting this summer for the release,” said Epic in its update. “We know many of you are excited for this release, and we promise that when we have more information to share, you’ll hear it from us first.”

The mobile version of the game received a pretty cool update this past week which included the ability to customize the HUD in-game. This allows players to place the on-screen touch buttons where they like inside of the game environment.

Looking ahead, Epic confirmed that it is working on a number of features for the mobile version of the game, including voice chat. Eventually, players will be able to talk with their friends, mute themselves or other players, and even talk across platforms.

Other planned updates include improvements to gameplay and controls, like improving autorun and adding better ways to fire. Game performance and stability are also areas of focus moving forward, including the addition of a batter-saver mode which will allow players to increase performance if they choose to lower graphical quality.

Finally, statistics and stat-tracking is something that Epic is also looking into. The developer said that it would like to enable it also this summer.