Players in Fortnite will receive new challenges and quests on a daily and weekly basis to complete and earn extra experience points. Epic Games designs these challenges and quests to encourage players to try out new mechanisms they have newly added to the game or the ones that players don’t use regularly. As part of the Week 13 challenge, players must throw a Boogie Bomb at an IO outpost, and here is how to do it in Fortnite.

How to Throw Boogie Bomb at an IO Outpost in Fortnite

To complete this challenge, first, you have to find a Boogie Bomb and then use it at an IO Outpost. Boogie Bombs are Rare items found on ground loot, in chests, and in supply drops, but you can’t find them by fishing.

It does take some time to find a Boogie Bomb, but if you search for it in every house and chest, you will find it. It is best to look around the houses and chests near the IO Outposts, like Optimized Outpost, located between Shuffled Shrines and The Joneses.

There are four IO Outposts where you can throw Boogie Bomb at. The first is called Ocean Outpost, located East of Sleepy Sound, close to Unremarkable House. The next one is the Open Road Outpost, located between Tilted Towers and the Sanctuary.

Then there is the Overtaken Outpost, Southeast of Greasy Grove, near the river. And the last one is the Optimized Outpost located between Shuffled Shrines and The Joneses.

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To complete the quest, you don’t have to hit any player or deal any damage. Simply throwing a Boogie Bomb at an IO Outpost will suffice to complete this quest and earn the XP.

Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.