Introduced in Chapter 3: Season 4, the Holo-Chest is a new lootable Container in Fortnite that grants players the guaranteed drop of a particular weapon. As implied by its name, the Holo-Chest possesses a projector on its lid that produces a holographic image of the armament it contains. So naturally, if players manage to open the Holo-Chest, they will receive the displayed weapon. Moreover, there are two types of Holo-Chests in Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 4 — the standard version and the Exotic variant. Exotic Holo-Chests will always drop a powerful Exotic Weapon, but more effort is required to open these rare chests.

Opening Holo-Chests In Fortnite

To open a Holo-Chest Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 4, players must acquire Vault Keys, the same items required to unlock and access Vaults across the map. Standard Holo-Chests only have one lock, meaning only a single key is needed. However, Exotic Holo-Chests have two locks, doubling the keys and effort required to open its locks.

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Fortnite fans can acquire Vault Keys via various sources in Chapter 3: Season 4. First, Vault Keys can spawn as floor loot within the interiors of structures or outside in fixed pools of generated items. These keys can also randomly appear in Chest loot; therefore, players should never miss out on opening a chest, even if their character is fully equipped. Finding enough Vault Keys to open an Exotic Holo-Chest is a worthwhile endeavor that can certainly increase the chances of one’s survivability in Battle Royale Mode. 

Thirdly, Vault Keys can also drop from other players when defeated. According to gameplay footage recorded by YouTuber Perfect Score, an enemy player they eliminated dropped a Vault Key that they were likely holding. Unlike weaponry, it is not possible to see if another combatant is holding a Vault Key. Nevertheless, if players survive a firefight with an opponent, they can collect all the loot from the eliminated individual, including their keys. After finding one or two Vault Keys in Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 4, players can search for Holo-Chests found around the map and access their contents. Looting one of these chests will take several seconds. Thus, combatants should always be wary of their surroundings to avoid getting ambushed while opening Holo-Chests in Fortnite.

Fortnite is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

Source: Perfect Score