People who open their respective Fortnite launchers will realize that there’s a new update. v22.30 just launched today and it brings more than small hotfixes. Today the Fortnite Skywalker week begins and there are a lot of things with that. From quests to skins in the Item Shop, and even some great returning weapons. However, one of the most iconic items you’ll be able to find is the Fortnite Lightsaber. People can find them always anywhere on the map and inside Star Wars chests. And, as part of the weekly quests, you have to block shots with said lightsabers. So, of all the Fortnite Star Wars weapons, these are great to have in your loadout for protection and great damage.

How to block shots with a Fortnite Lightsaber

Thankfully, for those who played the first Star Wars event back in the day, the mechanics haven’t changed. To block shots with these Fortnite Star Wars weapons, you need to press the right button depending on your platform. For the Nintendo Switch, you have to press ZL. On Xbox controllers, you have to press the LT. If you’re on PC, you can block shots by pressing the M2 button. And last but not least, L2 for PlayStation users. Doing so will make you block with your Fortnite Lightsaber. While it is a great defensive option, you can still suffer damage if there are many bullets flying your way.

How To Get the Guff Skin in Fortnite

Beyond that, there is another mechanic if you are able to get Darth Vader’s lightsaber. You can throw it as well. However, you need to beat the Sith Lord first before getting this unique Fortnite Lightsaber. So, prepare yourself and make sure you have some backup with you. Also, that’s not everything for this patch. We also have new horde missions that give you a Pickle Rick back bling. Plus, the Skywalker Week quests give a lot of experience for those aiming to unlock the last skin of the Battle Pass, Gwen Stacy. And, if you want even more things, the Herald quests are also up today so, there are a lot of things to do right now in Fortnite.