Fortnite’s Season 6 is now live, and it has brought a new crafting mechanism to the game. Crafting is essentially collecting resources in the game and turning them into viable pieces of gear. One of the challenges in the game requires players to craft the Hunter’s Cloak, and here is a guide explaining how to do so.

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Crafting the Hunter’s Cloak in Fortnite

Players can access the crafting menu by simply pressing the tab key. There will be a bunch of crafting items that you can shuffle by pressing E. To craft the Hunter’s Cloak, you need one piece of meat and two pieces of bones. Both the items can be acquired by eliminating wild animals that can be found throughout the map. Chickens, which are commonly found in the game, drop one piece of meat and bone while larger animals drop multiple pieces of it. To kill an animal, simply deal damage to it by any means. However, it’s better to avoid going into a melee range as animals will often run away.

Once you have collected the required materials, open the crafting tab and select the gear you want to craft, which is the Hunter’s Cloak in this case. After doing so, the gear will automatically appear in your inventory, and you’ll be able to use it. Once you have crafted the Hunter’s Cloak, you’ll get a sweet reward of 24,000 XP.

Hunter’s Cloak is a useful gear that allows you to conceal your scent and makes it harder for wild animals to detect your presence. Keep in mind it is consumable gear and can only be used once. With so many wild animals roaming on the map, Hunter’s Cloak can be very helpful in avoiding any conflicts with them.