Fortnite: Battle Royale’s second week of season three Battle Pass challenges have arrived.

The weekly challenges are the best way to earn stars and experience to advance your Battle Pass level, and collect that sweet loot. If you want the Reaper skin, you’re going to want to get these done every week.

The second set of challenges follow similar themes from last week, with players expected to hunt out locations, open chests, and get kills in specific locations to claim the stars.

Use a Launchpad – 5 stars

This one is pretty easy—use a Launchpad just once this week, and receive five stars.

Deal damage with Assault Rifles to opponents – 5 stars

Getting 1000 damage might sound like a lot, but Assault Rifles are the most commonly used weapon in the game. If you’re playing a decent amount, this shouldn’t be hard to get pretty quickly.

Search Chests in Wailing Woods – 5 stars

Like last week with Pleasant Park, open seven chests to get the stars. This will make Wailing Woods the new hot spot.

Dance in different forbidden locations – 5 stars

This is certainly the most unique of the challenges—perform a dance emote in all five of the “forbidden locations” to receive the stars. Signs mark each location, showing that dancing in that spot is prohibited. Find the signs in Prison, Tilted Towers, by the Llama statue, in Retail Row, and out west from Wailing Woods.

Search between a Pool, Windmill, and an Umbrella – 10 stars

There’s no map this week, players just have to find the location by themselves. The pool refers to Motel, while the windwill is at Anarchy Acres. Between those two spots and the umbrella quarry is a hill. Get to the right spot and collect the stars.

SMG Eliminations – 10 stars

Just three eliminations are needed for this quest—and with the recently buffed Tactical SMG this should be definitely achievable for most.

Eliminate opponents in Greasy Grove – 10 stars

This quest moves from Fatal Fields to Greasy Grove. Three kills is all you need.